Friday, October 2, 2009

As you must have noticed (or not to your bliss) I'm not hell bent on posting every time I slip on a banana peel. It was not purposeful, I'd been busy with semester exams and was facing a writer's block too. I still am! But The visits on this page has increased by more than 400 despite no activity. Thank You!

Expectations have really grown of late and I'm trying to keep up with it. Thank you people for the belief in me. But I would be lying if I say I don't feel the butterflies. :-) and for the less knowledgeable junta, it's not about posting!!

I'd watched my first late night show yesterday- What's your rashee? Something I'd been looking forward to doing for long.
More's there in the list!

So.. Nowadays just focusing on doing what I love, doing what I should and avoiding what I must! There my day gets over!!

And yes, as I've started to vent out lesser trash, I see more and more people jumping into blogging! *An objective statement!*

That was my garbage. Thank you for reading patiently. :-)