Monday, March 3, 2008

Vernacular miseries

Today was the first time I felt great about the department lecture theatre.

There was an ambience and our mathematics teacher was teaching in a way never seen before (that perhaps was because I was attending his lecture for the first time!!! ;-)) and I was able to follow a lecture in a long-long time!

Anyway, let me get to the point. I had an (I don’t know what I should call it) today. A good friend of mine, Rakesh (name changed), took it to me. He started with asking me whether or not, I knew the meaning of misanthrone. I replied in the negative. I realized that misanthrope was the word he was looking for when he explained its meaning! I corrected him (had a torrid time doing so!) and asked if he was trying to follow the great vocabulary builder by Norman Lewis. He said,” yes!”. I felt genuinely happy as this was the first time I was seeing a person coming from a vernacular background making an honest effort to improve his language.

But little did I realize what he’ll come up in the next few minutes. He asked me the meaning of fifteen odd words. I started to realize what this guy was trying to do. He stopped at a word I didn’t know the meaning of and I later found out that it didn’t even exist. Then we almost fought over the legitimacy of the following sentences

Had I played cricket?

Had I played cricket, we would have won the match.

I tried to explain him for a good five minutes as my heart winced in pain at what he doing. I realized that it was the sheer frustration that was erupting from his side over the difference in the language skills. I avoided saying that I knew it better. At that point of time, my friend came to my rescue only to be caught himself! He agreed with Rakesh and got the matter settled.

Sometimes I wonder whether you should be genuinely interested in helping your lesser talented friends.


Anonymous said...

Well its worth it...if they can understand tat ur tryin to help and not show off...Else u take a step bak or do wat u did and behappy that u tried :-)


Anonymous said...

let them f*** themselves dude.. in ma coll, am the rudest and the most sadistic in this case.. oh yeah am a

its better not to waste ur time on the differently gifted souls.. i resorted to somethin like this only after some really disturbin justifications frm the i-jus-learnt-this-to-show-offs which looked actually funny with their peanut sized vision..

well.. i wanted somethin like literature and ended up in engg cos of ma oh so high marks.. i jus din ve voice whn ma parents said "BE PRACTICAL"